
Charmaine Wilson was not woken up to her gift to re-unite those who have crossed over to those still in life until 1999 after her father died. It took a further 3 years to work out what the voices she kept hearing were and then learn how to work with them. If it wasn't for the great mediums Doris Stokes and John Edward, Charmaine may never have realised exactly what she was but thanks to their brave efforts of bringing medium ship into the open she was able to work with her hidden talents.

She has lived through a lot of heartache in her life, including the death of her brother and her four year old daughter, both to tragic accidents. Her mother passed in late 2006. She has also lived through the trauma of suicide of a very dear friend and has recently lost her stepfather.

These deaths have made her a most compassionate and understanding reader, especially in relating to how her clients may be feeling.

Charmaine has been dedicated to giving as accurate information about the spirit world to her clients since she began her work in 2002. Though she has not been in the industry long, her achievements have been recognised by The Australian Psychics Association and she was awarded the 2005 Australian Psychic of the year and 2009 Queensland Psychic of the year for her efforts. In 2008 she was the winner of The One, a nationwide search for Australia's most gifted psychic.

Charmaine has written three books Spirit Whispers, which focuses on her development as a medium and Life goes On, Spirit Children, which focuses on aiding bereaved parents and The Healing art of Spirit which is a compassionate guide for those seeking solace after the loss of a loved one.

22nd of March:
Logan Entertainment Centre

Tickets on Sale NOW!! Show starts at 2 PM matinee' for tickets Ph: 3412 5626 or visit this link

18th of May:
Ulumbarra Theatre Bendigo

Tickets on Sale NOW! Show starts at 2 PM matinee'. Box Office 5434 6100 or visit this link

1st of June:
Mackay MECC

Tickets on sale NOW!! Show starts at 2 PM matinee' Box Office 4961 9777 or visit this link

6th of July:
Rockhampton Pilbeam Theatre

Tickets on Sale NOW!! Show starts at 2 PM. Box Office ph: 4927 4111 or visit this link

10th of August:
The Events Centre, Caloundra

Tickets on Sale NOW!! Show starts at 2 PM Matinee' Box Office: 5491 4240 or visit this link

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